Scholarships and bursaries can help finance your education costs.
Within Golden Hills:
The following scholarships may have criteria to be/or have been a student within the Golden Hills School Division.

This scholarship is established in memory of Anna’s enthusiastic and encouraging nature.
The recipient of this scholarship is the one who goes the extra mile to make school, clubs, teams and/or community work together successfully. He or she is willing to get down and do what is necessary to make sure that events, teams, friends, projects etc. are a success. This person would not necessarily pursue the limelight but plays a crucial supporting role in organizing, facilitating, attending meetings and intervening to make things happen.
The intention of this scholarship is to recognize someone who will not be receiving the top academic or sports awards, most likely because they have focused on other people and causes first. Nominees will be chosen first from the area of East Wheatland and if a suitable candidate is not found then widened to the rest of Golden Hills School Division.
Students must receive at least two nominations from school staff and at least two letters of recommendation from other than family members.
Instructions: Complete this application form, and deliver or mail it to be received at the following address no later than the first Friday of the month of May in the year of application:
Anna Hudson Scholarship Committee
c/o Human Resources Golden Hills School Division Office
435A Hwy #1
Strathmore, Alberta
T1P 1J4
A) Academic Scholarships: (One yearly)
This scholarship will be in the amount of $1,00. To be awarded on the basis of academic achievement.
- Applicant must apply for the scholarship in writing.
- Applicant must graduate from the Wheatland Crossing School and qualify for an Alberta High School Diploma.
- Applicant must have taken a minimum of 25 credits in the final high school year enrolled in the Wheatland Crossing School.
- The committee will use the results of the highest five, 30 level (Grade 12) courses in calculating the applicants’ achievement.
B) Financial Assistance Scholarships : (One Yearly)
This scholarship will be in the amount of $1,000. To be awarded on the basis of financial need.
- Applicant must apply for the scholarship in writing.
- Applicant must graduate from the Wheatland Crossing School and qualify for an Alberta High School Diploma.
- Applicant must have taken a minimum of 25 credits in the final high school year, enrolled in the Wheatland Crossing School.
- Criteria for establishing financial need will be that of the Alberta Government Student Finance Board which will include:
- Data from the two previous years Income Tax returns of the parents;
- The number of dependent children;
- The number of children already in post secondary education; and
- Any information which the Administrative Committee deems necessary to arrive at a fair and just decision.
This information for determining financial assistance is for the sole use of the Administrative Committee of the Hans Peder Madsen Scholarship Fund and is to be used solely for this purpose. All forms shall be returned to the parents by the Superintendent of Schools after a decision has been reached by the Committee as to the awarding of scholarships.
- Scholarships will be awarded only to those who were registered in the Wheatland Crossing School during the year of the awarding of the scholarship.
- Students must attend a recognized post-secondary institution to qualify for any of the scholarships.
- Each scholarship is to be disbursed in two payments: 50% after proof of registration (attendance) for the first semester, and the second payment (50%) after proof of registration (attendance) for the second semester (or quarter) of a recognized post-secondary institution.
- All applications must be submitted to the Principal of the Wheatland Crossing School on or before June 15th of the year the scholarship is to be awarded.
- Students will be notified by July 15th if they have been awarded a scholarship.
- The Hans Peder Madsen Memorial Scholarship is registered with the Alberta Student Finance Board.
- The term "monies accrued" shall mean interest earned on the principal plus any monies not awarded from the previous year.
- Anyone student may apply for both the Academic Scholarship and the Financial Assistance Scholarship.
The Ralph McElroy Memorial Scholarship was established to assist High School Graduates who are or have been members of a Hussar 4-H Club and have applied to a secondary institution to further their education.
The criteria for the scholarship will be based on academic achievement at the Grade 12 level and participation in the 4-H program. Subject marks must be verified by a copy of their diploma mark's transcript, or their latest marks verified by principal or teacher. For the 4-H requirement, please use 3 completed diaries prior to this year. Send only the pages that show the total number of points achieved from each year signed by one of your leaders. If you have already received early acceptance into your post secondary institution let us know.
The winner’s name will be added to the Ralph McElroy plaque. The recipient will be contacted as to how to claim their monetary award.
The recipient of the scholarship, upon receiving confirmation of their acceptance into a post secondary institution will receive a sum of money in the amount of $200.00. If the recipient is not eligible to receive the fund based on non-acceptance at a post secondary institution the fund will be left in the trust account. In the case of a tie the award will be divided equally.
Scholarships To Be Awarded:
Two scholarships each year, in the amount of $3,000.00 each, will be awarded on the following basis:
- The student must apply for the scholarship in writing.
- The student must have been in full-time attendance within Golden Hills School Division for a period of at least one school year.
- The student must be recommended by a teacher or principal familiar with the student.
- The student must be planning on attending a post-secondary institution following completion of a Grade 12 Diploma and, prior to funding, must provide evidence of enrolment in that post-secondary institution.
- The primary criteria shall be financial need. This need will be determined by criteria established by the Alberta Government Student Finance Board, which shall include:
- Data from the two previous years = Income Tax Returns;
- The number of dependent children;
- The number of children already in post-secondary education; and
- Any other information which the administrative committee deems fair and relevant.
All of this information shall remain strictly confidential, shall be used solely for the awarding of scholarships and, upon the awarding of scholarships, shall be returned to the applicant or his/her parents.
Procedure for Application and Awarding of Scholarships:
- Scholarships will only be awarded to those who have graduated from a Golden Hills High School. However, the student does not necessarily have had to attend in the year immediately prior to applying. Students are eligible to apply even if they have taken time off from schooling to work.
- Students must attend a recognized post-secondary institution to qualify for any of the scholarships and provide proof of acceptance into a program.
- Each scholarship will be disbursed in two payments:
- One-half after proof of registration for the first semester;
- One-half after proof of registration for the second semester
- If the school is not operating on a semester system, the funds will be disbursed at the beginning and one-half way through the school year.
- All applications must be submitted to the school principal and the Deputy Superintendent of Schools (HR), on or before June 1st.
- Students will be notified by June 30th if they have been awarded a scholarship.
The Selection Committee, chosen by the Board of Trustees, shall consist of:
- One trustee from the rural divisions;
- One trustee from the urban divisions; and
- The Superintendent of Schools, or designate
Outside sources:
Scholarships Canada This online database lists hundreds of scholarships, bursaries and awards that are administered by various organizations.
Post Secondary Institutions Scholarships This page provides links to awards and scholarships which are available at Alberta's Post-Secondary institutions. These awards and scholarships are in addition to ones provided by the Alberta government through the Heritage Scholarship Fund and other organizations.
- Student Scholarships: The largest scholarship database on the web.
The John Hasselfield Endowment Foundation: A non-profit society created to provide supports to young people who display a wanting desire for personal development and learning through education, sports, music and physical activity, who might otherwise not fulfil that desire because life has put obstacles in their path in ways beyond their control.
Terry Fox Humanitarian Award: Terry Fox Humanitarian Award recipients are selected for their dedication to the humanitarian ideals of Terry Fox, their courage in overcoming obstacles, and definite marks of distinction and persistence in the pursuit of excellence in academic, athletic, and civic life. The maximum value of the award is $28,000 dispersed over four years. A stipend of $7,000 is issued directly to the institution each year in two instalments of $3,500, one in September and one in January.
- TC Energy: TC Energy is proud to help build strong communities, develop the next generation of community leaders and provide a skilled workforce for our industry.
4-H Scholarships and Grants: Includes the Elmer and Ona Hansen Memorial Fund Scholarship, 4-H Alberta Scholarship, the Nuffield Canada Farming Scholarship, Excellence Award for Ag Students, Monsanto Canada, Keith Gilmore Scholarship, OYF Memorial Scholarship, Tronia Post-Secondary Scholarships, Altalink, Canadian Natural Resources Limited, Excellence in Ag Program Scholarship, Stacey Levitt Award, CABEF Scholarships, Growing Alberta Scholarship, etc.
Future Aces Foundation: The Herbert H. Carnegie Future Aces Foundation's National Citizenship Award and Scholarship Program provide merit-based scholarships to secondary students across Canada who exhibit exemplary citizenship qualities in their communities through extensive community service, volunteerism and humanitarian causes. The National Citizenship Award and Scholarship Program are open to every graduating high school or CEGEP student from coast-to-coast-to-coast. This non-renewable scholarship is valued at $1000 and tenable at any post-secondary institution.
- Scouts Canada Scholarship: The Scouts Canada Scholarship Program provides financial support to members of Scouts Canada entering or continuing in full-time studies at Canadian universities or colleges. All recipients are motivated youth whom, with the help of their Scouting experiences, have demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities and a desire to create a better world. Scouts Canada is pleased to award scholarships of up to $5,000 each.
Schulich Leader Scholarships: Graduating students planning to study one of the STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) at designated universities are eligible to become Schulich Leaders. The four-year Schulich Leader Scholarships are valued at $60,000. Twenty Canadian and five Israeli* recipients will be chosen to study one of the STEM subjects in their respective countries. The student will need to nominated by the school. Check eligibility.
- Horatio Alger Association of Canada: Scholarships of up to $10,000 are awarded to full-time students in their terminal year of high school with financial need (family income under $65,000) who have demonstrated integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity, a commitment to pursue a post-secondary education, a desire to contribute to society, and a good academic record.
- Storwell's Foster Children Bursary Program