First Nations Métis Inuit Support Services

Siksika Board of Education, in collaboration with Golden Hills School Division, employs four Siksika Education Liaison workers who provide support services to Siksika students attending schools within the Wheatland area: Carseland School, Crowther Memorial Junior High School, Strathmore High School, Wheatland Crossing School and Westmount Elementary School. The role of the Siksika Education Liaison worker is to facilitate communication among students, staff, parents/grandparents/extended family, the school division and partner agencies (including Siksika Nation organizations, Social Services, and Mental Health) to advocate for the academic, social, emotional, physical and cultural needs of the Siksika students. Duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Building home/school relationships by facilitating an open, timely communication process;
  • Acting as a cultural resource to the school community regarding First Nations issues;
  • Planning and implementing First Nation cultural activities for both Siksika and non-Siksika students;
  • Building a bridge of understanding and respect between First Nation and non-First Nation cultures;
  • Encouraging regular school attendance for Siksika students;
  • Providing learning support to Siksika students under the direction of the classroom teacher.

For further information regarding these services please contact Cori Hampson, Director of Learning at 403-934-5121 (Ex 2011).