Director of Learning Appointment

Golden Hills School Division is very pleased to announce the appointment of Linda Tucker to the position of Director of Learning, effective August 15, 2025.
Linda holds a Bachelor of Education Degree and a Masters of Education from the University of Calgary. She is also in the process of obtaining a Diploma of Global Leadership from the Royal Roads University. Linda has been a School Administrator with Golden Hills since 2001, with her most recent role as Principal of Crowther Memorial Junior High School since 2016. She has also been the Coordinator of Project Hope since 2013 and was the Regional Manager for the RCSD Central East Region for the 2013/2014 school year. Her passion for prioritizing a student-centered environment while fostering a rich learning culture is what made her an ideal candidate for working with inclusive education, school and system improvement and the implementation of curriculum initiatives. We believe that her experience, knowledge, skills, and insight in the areas of leadership, assessment, strategic instruction, and evidence informed decision-making will serve her well in the role of a system-wide educational leader.
Please join us in congratulating Linda and wishing her every success in her new leadership position at the Division Office.